About Us

My Story - Beth MT

I’ve always had a love hate relationship with alcohol. When I was younger, I hated the taste, and my parents never imagined I’d take to it the way I did in my teenage years. As someone who struggled with social anxiety, alcohol seemed like the perfect cure. I dove headfirst into my drinking career, quickly realising I didn’t seem to react to alcohol like everyone else. But stopping? That thought never even crossed my mind.

Fast forward a few years. After heavy drinking during university and my early career, I became a mother. At first, alcohol was my go-to for relieving stress and boredom in the evenings. But soon, I realised that it wasn’t me controlling the alcohol anymore, it was controlling me. On the rare occasions I went out to socialise, I would always overdrink, transform into the life of the party, and then grapple with crippling anxiety for days afterwards.

During lockdown, my drinking escalated to a point where I was seriously worried I wouldn’t come back from it. I had tried AA before, and while I admire its impact on so many lives, it didn’t feel like the right fit for me. My story didn’t seem “extreme” enough, and I often felt like an imposter.

Then, by chance, I discovered an online sober community and connected with people like me. That sense of belonging and accountability was the game changer I needed. Those connections lifted the shame I carried around alcohol and helped me see that I wasn’t alone. I started writing, hosting sober meetings, managing social media for the community, and supporting others on their journeys. Seeing people who understood my experience made sobriety feel possible and even empowering.

Why Click Sober?

Alcohol is addictive, plain and simple. And in a society that glorifies drinking, it’s no surprise that it becomes a problem for so many of us. But we shouldn’t feel ashamed of that. Instead, we deserve resources, support, and community.

That’s why I created Click Sober. When you click on this site, I want you to find a hub for all things sober, a place I wish I had when I began my journey. Here, you’ll find resources, tools, and support to help you feel confident and strong as you navigate sobriety.

This website will evolve over time. Eventually, I hope to offer Zoom rooms where we can meet and connect in real time. For now, you’ll find information and tools to guide you on your way. If you come across anything you think would benefit others, I’d love for you to share it with me for consideration.

My goal is to make this space inclusive, accessible, and helpful. Together, we can create a community that lifts each other up, free from shame and full of hope.

Beth MT